Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You Make Me Promises, Promises

Way back in December a dude I know expressed an interest in dating me, even though I was still dating my boyfriend (henceforth known as E-Mail Man).  At the time, I had absolutely no interest in this kid that extended beyond the way the fact I was in a relationship.  This guy is a creeper to the nth degree - I've seen him in action and it is way disturbing.  There is a fine line between being persistent and being a weirdo and homeboy took it waaaay over the line to Creepytown.

Anyway, McStalkerson started to ramp up his efforts in late January.  Heavily.  When I say heavily, I mean he would text me all day, call often and would just hang out places I frequent.  He called and invited me to dinner at his parents house for his mother's birthday.  He told me he bought me a Kindle for Valentine's Day.  He told me that he wanted to take me on a trip to Costa Rica, because his family had a house there.  Now, I made it clear that I didn't really want anything with him, but I thought the whole thing was funny.  He was making all these promises to me about what we would do when I was free of E-Mail Man, about how he would "treat me right" and how much fun we would have together, blah, blah, blah. 

About 2 weeks into the intense pursuing, it just stopped.  Cold.  No texts, no calls, no random run-ins at Mission Burrito, no nothing.  I thought McStalkerson had finally caught on to the fact that I was a no-go.  Then I got an email from him.

*Minor tangent* What is with men these days using e-mail to communicate their feelings?  This seems to be a running theme with the guys in my life these days.  Can't you just pick up the phone and call me? *End tangent*

The email stated that he had found some sucker woman who was nice, kind, pretty, smart (read: better than you, Jeana) and he was VERY happy with her.  He just wanted me to know, so that I wouldn't have any bad feelings toward him because of what we had.  (Um, what exactly did we have weirdo?)  Also, he hoped maybe this would teach me a lesson about waiting too long to make a decision, because good men don't just wait around.  Well, okay.  Thanks for that lesson McStalkerson, duly noted.

About a week after E-Mail Man ended things, I happened to hear from McStalkerson.  He wanted to know how I was doing and he just happened to have become single recently (*cut to me, looking unsurprised*).  I told him I was single now too and he said he was really sorry to hear that, but that I would find someone!  We could hang out without weirdness now!  We could go to dinner!  Get drinks!  We could finally go to Costa Rica!  Yay!

After hanging up, I haven't heard from McStalkerson, save the drunk texts I got from him on a random Tuesday night.  He is the kind of guy who wants what he can't really have and when it's available, he doesn't want it!  He feels about me the way I feel about Crystal Clear Pepsi.
And here I was packing my bags for Costa Rica...

Oh - and I've never seen that Kindle.  I'm waiting, McStalkerson.


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