Monday, September 10, 2012

Isn't It Romantic?

I was speaking to a friend of mine last week who reads the blog and she commented on how much she appreciated my post on being hopeful in the face of a break-up. She said that I was a romantic.  That's not me at all, I thought, but it made sense.  Her observation might just be true.

When I end something with someone, I want to clear out everything that reminds me of them.  I want all traces gone.  (Honestly, do I need to see a picture of us at a concert that he didn't even want to go to every time I log in to Facebook?  No.  I don't even need to see old text messages - so, let's get rid of those too.  In fact, let's just delete your number too, in case I'm having a bad day next month and can't resist the urge to call you.)  I know not everyone feels this way, but it helps me refocus, heal and move on.  I've always thought this approach was harsh, but totally necessary.

Because of this, I always assumed I was a little jaded and kind of cold.  However, in the recent months I figured out I'm the opposite of all that.

I love love.  I love dopey TV/movie moments when the characters you knew were going to get together finally get together.  I love when people find each other.  I sigh (usually audibly) when I see two people who genuinely love each other.  I get giddy watching love happen.  I get dreamy when I see sweet old couples.  I love when love wins.  I believe in love completely.  Maybe my old heart is actually full of romance instead of the optimistic label I always give it.

I've never been accused of being romantic or idealistic, but maybe that's what I've been all the time.  I know that where there is a heart willing to care, love can happen.  In spite of wanting to clear out old memories, I fully trust that there are new memories to be made.  Maybe that makes me romantic after all...


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