Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Did I Do That?

Remember those cards that my friend gifted to me?  Well, I bucked up and actually gave one out. 

(I think I just heard an audible gasp...) 

I was leaving a baseball game (natch, 'cause what else do I do these days?) and decided just to be bold and give a card to this guy that had been sitting near me at the game.  I didn't know him, but he laughed at my lame jokes and that was good enough for me.  After joking with a friend about how he wasn't going to call because he thought I was probably a major weirdo, I got a text from the guy. 

WHAT?!?!?!  HE ACTUALLY TEXTED??!!? These things might really work! 

I was proud of myself, for many reasons.  I actually took some initiative and put myself out there and nothing bad happened.  And even if he didn't text or call, I didn't lose anything.  I learned a little bit and gained a little bit of confidence.  I felt the realization that I can totally do this whole dating thing come over me.

I can feel you asking, "What about the guy? What happened?"  Well, he ended up being from Montana or Idaho or another one of those states with a population of 4, so it wasn't going anywhere.  He also was extremely interested in ONE thing and, well, that certainly wasn't on the table. 

Sidenote: I did pause to think about how giving out a card looked, after this instance...was it too forward?  Do I look like I'm ready "for a good time"?  Cause I really don't want a "good time," I mean, THAT kind of good time.  A good time, like, eating a yummy meal and playing mini-golf or shopping, is okay and actually a good time.

After this mild success, I felt up to the challenge of handing out a card or two.  I happened to go on a little trip with some of my besties last weekend and those cards were burning a hole in my pocket.  We went out for dinner for a birthday celebration and there was a group of guys behind our table.  I noticed a cute little nerd in group and thought, "I'm going to give that dork a card!" And I did. I cut a piece of birthday cake, put the card on the plate and took it over to him.  He sent me a text or two, but I wasn't sweating it.  I was too focused on the fact that I am, in fact, amazingly awesome.  I've started to believe in myself so much that approaching someone isn't scary, it's just fun.

Watch out kids, Jeana's back in town and she has some cards to give away.


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