Thursday, September 6, 2012

Return of the Meathead

You guys remember Meathead, right?  Well, he never really left the scene - he just quieted down a little bit, but has recently given me some good blog fodder.

(In case you don't recall him or need a refresher, you can find about more about him here and here.)

Anyhow, I was on my way to a graduation party and saw something funny, so I posted about it on Facebook. (Natch.)  Meaty saw it, thought it was REALLY funny and sent me a message.  I kindly responded via text (because I'm not a jerk) and boy, did that unleash a problem.  He started texting everyday and is the kind of texter that should you not respond to something he sent in a matter of seconds you get a "???" follow up.

I have to admit, I played along for a little while and texted him occasionally. I thought it was harmless and that I was dealing with a normal human being. It seems, however, that I might really might have hurt his feelings.  Also, it appears that Meathead is a teensy bit cray.

For some reason, there was a day Meathead was convinced we were going to hang out.  (I want to make it VERY clear that I never suggested or even hinted at wanting to get together at a particular time or place.  He might have mentioned hanging out, to which I flippantly said "Oh, yeah, that might be fun to do sometime...," but I can't be sure.)  After a short texting conversation, he assumed that I wanted to hang out the next day instead.  (Once again, I never said that I was doing anything with him.)  After not hearing from me, he sent a "scathing" text that was supposed to put me in my place.  I was a jerk and only thought about myself!  I made plans two days in a row with him and never showed you guys!

We were having a relationship and I didn't even know it!

That's when I stopped texting, for my own sanity.  I went text AWOL.  For a few days after I got a "hey" or "hi" from him, that turned into a "hiya" every couple of days, which eventually turned into no texting.  My radio silence got the point across finally. Whew - dodged a bullet in the form of an awkward conversation.

Last week, I heard my phone ding.  "Yay! A text!," I thought.  "Oh, it's from Meathead." *le sigh* 

The text read: "You know Im gonna block u cause u arent responding right?"


But there was some relief there - as least I could let him do all the dirty work.

This weekend I was on the Facebook, stalking a few college friends and I see I have a message. From Meathead.  (Wait!! I thought he was going to BLOCK ME!!!)  His message read pretty much the same as the text, but he added "Good luck to you" or some variation of that.

I haven't heard from Meathead since then, but I HAVE learned my lesson.  Never be nice to save someone's feelings - sometimes the harsh truth, as hard as it is to hear/say, is necessary.  Being too kind can get you a boyfriend you didn't even want.


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