Thursday, May 3, 2012

XBox and the Single Girl

As I get older I'm aging out of certain crowds.  Places I used to love to go to are full of annoying kids now.  At one time, I was (obviously) one of those annoying kids and now I'm complaining about them.  Music is too loud, people are too rude and girls don't wear enough clothing.  Now, please excuse me while I take my Metamucil and go to Denny's for the early bird special, because I'm clearly geriatric.  

The gap between where I am and where most 25 year old guys are is huge.  Staggering even.  Meathead is about this age.  Again, he's not exactly what I'm looking for, but he seems like a nice enough guy.  (He's also not too bad on the ol' peepers either.)  I was giving him a chance to win over my cold, decaying heart, because I'm a equal opportunity dater these days - you know, for the sake of the blog. 

Anyhow, during a text conversation* he mentioned that he wished we could hang out.  I said, and I quote, "That may be cool."  Sure, I was a little detached, but I didn't want him to lose his often-wandering train of thought.  He then asked me if I would like to hang out ("Sure, that sounds like fun."), what I would like to do ("Um, well, something fun?"), if I wanted to see him (Didn't I just answer that? "Sure, why not?"), if I would be okay with a casual date (Seriously? *le sigh* "Yup. I am a causal kinda of girl.") and finally if I would like to watch him play XBox.  I'm going to repeat that again, just to let you really take the journey with me - not play XBox WITH him, but WATCH him play.  Just sit and watch.  Are all 25 year olds like this?

This is me, owning a game.
Um, I'm sorry sir, but what?  I couldn't have read that text correctly.  Did you really just ask me if I would like to watch you play video games?? What kind of alternate universe have I stepped into?  I responded that I would most likely not watch him, but I might play with him.  He seemed to be astounded by this notion.  Has no girl ever shown an interest in playing before?  This girl likes first person shooters.  This girl is the master of Halo 2.  This girl knows Tekken and Mortal Combat like the back of her hand.  This girl does not want to sit and watch, I want to play.

The differences between Meathead and I became glaringly obvious about this time, extending far beyond our respective ages.  It could be possible that certain women just love sitting and watching their boyfriend play Modern Warfare (Please don't let this be true.  Please.), but that's just not me.  I want to involved.  I want to be an active participant, not an observer.  That's the whole reason I'm trying new things, dating different kinds people, taking on new responsibilities - I want to present and engaged.  I want to experience life with someone, not watch them live their life.

I eventually just stopped responding to Meathead's texts and he stopped sending them.  Either he got the idea or he got into a wicked Call of Duty session and hasn't come up for air.  Totally possible.


*Yes, a whole conversation in text.  And he's fully capable of calling.  What is happening to the youth of America, I ask you?


  1. Fact - I recently went on a few dates with a 25 year old guy who sounds a lot like Meathead and he asked me the same thing!

  2. Dude you totally need to write a book off all this. I was sitting at my desk cracking up I nearly pissed myself!

  3. I'm really at a loss that he actually asked you to watch...who the crap wants to watch when you can play? Although the age difference isn't much, I think somewhere between 1984 and 1988 something happened to make people like this. I find myself interacting with others our age and slightly younger who just don't have a clue.
