Friday, May 4, 2012

Keep Your Clothes On: An Argument Against Dirty Texts

2012 is making everyone lose their minds.  It could be that this has been brewing for a while and is just now an issue.  Alternatively, I could blame the invention of the camera phone.  Whatever it is, I'm taking this moment to declare that I, Jeana, do not want your sexts.

That's right gentlemen (and I use that term, very, very, very loosely), I do not want pictures for your half or fully naked bodies.  I am not interested in seeing you in your birthday suit.  I am not interested in viewing your six-pack.  I do not want to know "what you're workin' wit."  I am not going to tell you what I'm wearing.  I am not going to discuss anything of a sexual nature with you.  I don't know you.  I probably wouldn't even tell you what I'm drinking (answer: Diet Pepsi.  It's always Diet Pepsi.) or eating, much less show you any part of my body that is typically covered by my uniform of dress pants and a gently used cardigan.

But, seriously, what gives?  Is this what we've regressed to?  I want to have a conversation with you, get to know you.  I want to know if you grew up here, if you have siblings or a pet, if you are as much of a music nerd as I am.  I want to find out if we're compatible, not if you have a tattoo on or around your naughty bits.

The fact that these men I have a causal acquaintance with are sending very personal pictures is, at the very least, disconcerting.  Moreover, there are women that engage in this very activity.  I'm just going to assume that these guys were hoping I would return the favor.  Someone please explain to me why anyone would think that I would gladly take a picture of all of this *hands waving all over myself* and send it to a person I've had very little interaction with.  Please, tell me.  I wouldn't, for that matter, send anything to anyone I knew well!  It's just dumb.  It's a bad policy.  Women and girls who engage in this behavior need to be weary - it's not going to work out well.

And if you happen to send me a dirty text, you'll probably get this picture in return:



  1. Lol, please send that picture to the next guy that sexts you! And then post his response. Or at that point, I would bet money on a lack of response.

  2. I absolutely love your blog. It makes me want to take a similar photo, just ready for a sext message. <3
