Thursday, September 13, 2012

With A Little Help From My Friends

I guess I didn't realize how many of my friends were actually reading this thing, until I started getting comments about some of the things I've written.  I'm grateful (and incredibly surprised)  that anyone wants to spend their time reading my slightly humorous (maybe) and fully embarrassing (totally) musings.  I know that you're sticking around for bad date stories - which I'm sure will come soon enough - or to find out what hijinx I've gotten myself into, but I figured out something that can make this reader/writer relationship mutually beneficial. 

After mulling over the fact that my friends read this blog, I had an epiphany.  Why am I not using my most valuable resource to get dates?  It's right in front of my face.  My friends, gentle reader, are an untapped source of potential dates.  Somebody I know has thought to themselves, "This doctor/lawyer/professor friend of mine is amazing!  He would be perfect for Jeana."  (And if you haven't said that to yourself, then you should start thinking that way.)  I think that I've stumbled onto something that could be great.

I'm ready to go on a date and, possibly, write about it.  That's where my friends come in!  Any one of them might know someone who wants to date a smart, tall, educationally overachieving, loud laughing, curly haired, over-sharing, friendly half-Mexican.  (That's me, by the way.) 

How have I not thought of this before?  Or maybe I have and was just too shy to put it out there.  Either way, it seems like a good idea.  I go on a date and then write a little bit about it, without regard to whether it was the most amazing, life-changing date or the worst, soul-sucking encounter ever.  I've got to have a friend who'll take the bait, er, who'll be sweet and set me up with someone.

So, who's first?



  1. Too bad the guys I'm thinking about are in New York and San Francisco. But if you're ever out there... :-)

  2. Ah, sorry, it's me, Rachel Whitmire. Love your blog. :-)

  3. You can email me at Look forward to hearing from you!
